Gaia - Four Levels | The Flax-Golden Tales

Shreedhar Lohani, Nepal (1944)

Gaia - Four Levels | The Flax-Golden Tales


Literal Comprehension: “Gaia” is a beautiful poem composed by Shreedhar Lohani, a great poet of Nepalese literature. In this poem, ‘Gaia’ means the earth. The poet shows that the earth or Gaia is in pain. But she is capable of taking care of herself and enduring everything. The poet says that the stormy wind blows among the withered palms, heavy and devouring rain hits the earth. The seas become furious. The mountain peaks become crooked. Time plucks at the world on its gray thing. Wings smell of mildew covers the earth. Everywhere around the world there is hunger and turbulence. Even though, the earth tolerances. Gaia is tolerant and capable of taking care of herself.

Interpretation: The poet may be trying to compare Gaia with the earth. The earth is gentle: feminine nurturing but also cruel to those who exploit her. The poet also says that the earth is in pain but she has the capacity to endure everything. He also tries to alert us that if we continue exploiting the earth, she may strike us back. Finally, the poet also hopefully says that the earth is capable to look after herself.

Critical thinking: Although, this poem is interesting and metaphorical. Some ideas of the poet are not convincing. How can non-living things feel pain or sadness? If Gaia is capable of taking care of herself, why should we care about the earth?

Assimilation: The poem has affected me very much. The poet has appealed us to think about the earth seriously. After reading this poem I understood that Gaia is in real pain and if we exploit her, she may not endure and strike us back. This poem also instructed me to respect and love the mother nature or the earth.

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